Sunday, December 21, 2008

December - Special thanks to Henry & Barbara Youzwak

library regulars wearing t-shirts made by Barb

A note from the Youzwaks:

Henry and Barbara Youzwak – We were both born and raised in Albany, New York. Travel has been an important part of our lives! We recently spent our 20th trip in the beautiful Mexican state of Quintana Roo. Several years ago – 2002 we began staying at Akumal Beach Resort. Prior to the trip Barb found out that a small grassroots library existed in Akumal and given her library background, decided to help out initially with library supplies. Then she made t-shirts and this latest trip warmer winter clothing that she gathered from friends. Barb retired from her work last year as a page for her town’s library. It has been a pleasure to sponsor this library and we look forward to continue doing so in the future!

The Youzwak's most recent donation

Thursday, October 30, 2008

November - special thanks to Lori Amble and friends who visited the Library in October with supplies and, to the CCC Organization

From left to right, front row: Melody Neilan, Marie Gockel, Debbie Kremers, Michelle Land,
Back row: Lori Amble, Mary Haynes, Peggy MacKay & Lance Gockel, Not pictured: Sandra Reed.

Very Happy Kids!

Clothing (& other) donations for the library bazaar fund-raiser.

A note from Lori:

Many of us made our own contributions but this fall during Back to School night (my son is in the Shawnee Mission Northwest (high school) Cougars Community Commitment Organziation, or CCC ) I mentioned to Ron Poblau that we were going back to Mexico in October his response was simple, "Tell me what they need." When my daughter was in high school and in CCC she had organized a school supply drive for the children of Xcalak so he was familiar with what we were trying to accomplish. All of us have or had children in CCC during high school. I believe they are better adults because of it.

Here is the link to CCC at Shawnee Mission Northwest High School in Shawnee, KS. Ron Poblau is the instructor and was named 2006 Teacher of the Year. Here is Ron's response to my email: CCC is a daily class whose motto is simply THE DOER OF GOOD BECOMES GOOD. For the duration of the semester, students perform acts of kindness for numerous individuals. Our next big event will be Thanksgiving Day Food Boxes. Simply put: these are some of the best young men and women. It is a privilege to work with them. He tells me they do not need any credit but my thought is if you tell this story it is possible other schools will be willing to help the Library too.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

September - Special thanks to Gary & Martha Bemis

This is Gary & Martha with Erik and his mother Leydi. They are, and have been sponsoring his school tuition and transportation to Playa.

A note from Gary:

There really isn't much to say about Martha and I. We are like many on LocoGringo, we support the library because we saw first hand the work that is being done and we know there is much more that needs to be done.

Seeing the library and the children the first time stole our hearts and from there we knew we needed to do whatever we could to support the children in Akumal.

It wasn't hard to see through the smiles and bright eyes of the children that your work and those that help you is important to the little ones.

Giving is not hard when children and education is involved.
