Hekab Be staff and Mexico board members would like to extend mil gracias to Dr. Armando Matiz Reyes and Susan Morrel-Samuels, MPH, of the University of Michigan School of Public Health, for coming to Akumal and sharing their expertise in the areas of community-based participatory research and the photovoice methodology.
From December 3-5, Armando & Susan led Hekab staff, board members and community members through a series of workshops focused on increasing the involvement of Akumal's adolescents in library programs. During this process, participants began to realize the many different ways that the library can better extend its programs to meet needs in the community. It was an amazing journey!
Our most heartfelt thanks to Susan & Armando for sharing of their time and themselves with us! Also many many thanks to Debby and Bruce Oakley, who once again helped us out by making this connection and helping to cover the costs for Susan & Armando's visit to Akumal.