My name is Diane Nelson and I live in and teach Home and Career Skill in the Mamaroneck School District north of New York City. My brother and sister in law visited Akumal 2 years ago and told me about the library, so I went online and saw that you needed aprons for your art program. One of my high school students, Jessica Cardenas, started a Fashion Club this year, so I suggested they make aprons for your library. I purchased the fabric and about eight high school students came to my classsroom every Monday after school to sew the aprons. Some of the kids have family originally from Mexico so they felt

good giving back and also proud that they were making something homemade. We took a family trip to Mexico this past December, and one afternoon, my husband and I dropped off the aprons when Carlos was having an art class with the kids so it was a perfect time to show up. The kids were very excited to get their own apron and they looked so cute.
(click on photos to see larger image)