Simona Groppi is one of the Library’s regular supporters. She is from San Giorgio, Italy, which is a province of Piacenza, and fell in love with Akumal, like most of us, the first time she saw it in December 2008. She says the smiling people; wonderful colors, smells and tastes, made her feel like she was at home.
Simona first learned about the library on Facebook through some friends who worked at Akumal Beach Resort and then learned more on Locogringo’s web site. She says that she chose to help the library because she has a love for books and reading and the literacy of all nations. She found that the aim of the Library; to promote reading and culture, was very interesting and, in a wonderful way, unusual for these times.
She loves to say, “I'm lucky. I'm not rich but I had a lot in my life, and I especially had the good fortune to be able to study, to learn lots of wonderful things and to improve my own culture.” Because of this her monthly donations are her way of “sharing with people that have less than me, and to give them more opportunities and hope for the future.”
Muchas Gracias Simona!